E35 - Australian Cake Decorating Network founder, Liz Wright - A cake community where bakers can flourish!
E35 - Australian Cake Decorating Network founder, Liz Wright - A cake community where bakers can flourish!
It’s funny how ideas can come into your head. For Liz, the idea of a community for cake makers came to her while feeding her twins when they were 9 months old at 2 am.  That was 13 years ago.  Liz and her team run the Australian Cake Decorating Network.  A diverse community of members who go on cake
E34 - Funky Batter - One cake recipe, 16 combinations, now sold in over 122 countries!
E34 - Funky Batter - One cake recipe, 16 combinations, now sold in over 122 countries!
As a female growing up in India, Hena Mahajan never followed the normal path.  A creative at heart who found herself entering the world of jewellery design at a fairly young age, she ran her own business creating and selling her own designs.   Funky batter however was formed as a continuation of her
E33 - Sandro Farmhouse - A Great British Bake off finalist tells us what it's really like in the big tent!
E33 - Sandro Farmhouse - A Great British Bake off finalist tells us what it's really like in the big tent!
Sandro Framhouse, here’s a guy with some serious drive and motivation.  Coming to England a long time ago with nothing, he grew up against many factors working against his chance to succeed but yet found a way through it all.  Sandro, has baked for a while now, but his determination comes from watch
E32 - Yolanda Gampp - This is a story of AMBITION! Even after hearing "no" a hundred times, she NEVER gave up!
E32 - Yolanda Gampp - This is a story of AMBITION! Even after hearing "no" a hundred times, she NEVER gave up!
Yolanda Gampp.  A mega-star in the world of novelty cakes.  But her rise to this level was a genuine rollercoaster to get to this point.  There are so many highs, and yet various lows, even to this very day.  What she, and her business partners Connie and Jocelyn have built is an incredible brand. 
E31 - Cielo Cakery - How a single mother embarked on a rollercoaster ride and built TWO bakeries with a cult following in her hometown!
E31 - Cielo Cakery - How a single mother embarked on a rollercoaster ride and built TWO bakeries with a cult following in her hometown!
Jodie Heaven - which in Spanish is “Cielo” - is the founder of this cute little Brighton bakery called Cielo.  A single mother who realised very early on that after the birth of her daughter, she wanted to make sure should create the best life for her.  Jodie herself wanted to be a pop singer when s
E30 - Chelsweets - How my baking blog allowed me to quit my job and buy my apartment!
E30 - Chelsweets - How my baking blog allowed me to quit my job and buy my apartment!
This former accountant who baked to simply relieve a bit of stress of the madness of her corporate life, finds herself one day doing Facebook lives for the Food Network.  How does that happen?  Innocent bakes that she brought in for her coworkers were secretly building the next career she didn’t kno
E29 - British Girl Bakes - From cupcakes to clicks.  How Emily went from running a cupcake cafe to building a huge YouTube and online presence.
E29 - British Girl Bakes - From cupcakes to clicks. How Emily went from running a cupcake cafe to building a huge YouTube and online presence.
Emily Friend is an adventurer.  She may have received a degree in law, but that wasn't enough to satisfy her.  Having lived in various places around the world, she decided to move to Costa Rica. It wasn't long after arriving that she realised she had a  simple craving for the desserts she loved didn
E28 - Janelle Copeland (formerly of The Cake Mamas) - An ex-wife and a wife start a bakery business that rockets to success!  Learn how she did it!
E28 - Janelle Copeland (formerly of The Cake Mamas) - An ex-wife and a wife start a bakery business that rockets to success! Learn how she did it!
Janelle Copeland.  She helped launch The Cake Mamas way back - when a rather unusual partnership was formed between two talented women.  You’re going to hear about things falling into place, taking big bets, knowing when you’re not ready for something big, and pushing forward in spite of all odds. Y
E27 - Sweet Sticks Founder, Miranda.  How she went from fashion, to baking, and then turned a $5000 idea into a global brand!
E27 - Sweet Sticks Founder, Miranda. How she went from fashion, to baking, and then turned a $5000 idea into a global brand!
Miranda is a serious serial entrepreneur.  Starting from the age of 16, she has always built her own businesses, but this fashion designer made the switch to baking by accident really.  When a child comes a long and forces you to change your career, it’s amazing what rabbit holes you’re searching wi
E26 - Cake Makers Collective - How 4 bakers came together to share their diverse knowledge with the baking world.
E26 - Cake Makers Collective - How 4 bakers came together to share their diverse knowledge with the baking world.
We’re doing something completely different today as we’re speaking with FOUR amazing bakers who collectively have over 40 years experience behind them - the Cake Makers Collective.  Sally, Jess, Charlotte, and Danielle all met late last year through a cake school and instantly become huge friends th
E25 - Oh Cakes Winnie - The reality of giving up a career and losing your purpose.  Then finding baking to build yourself back up into something inspirational!
E25 - Oh Cakes Winnie - The reality of giving up a career and losing your purpose. Then finding baking to build yourself back up into something inspirational!
This week we’re in Luxembourg to speak with Winnie.  Fashion designer-turned baker and content creator with some pretty amazing bakes.  For example her cake rolls which are extremely unique.  This creative type fell into baking but it was never really part of the plan.  Giving up a career and figuri
E24 - Aubree's Cakery - Learn from a  21 year old with a 10 year career in baking already!  She's even made a cake for Diddy!
E24 - Aubree's Cakery - Learn from a 21 year old with a 10 year career in baking already! She's even made a cake for Diddy!
Imagine you started baking at 11, and by 12 your mum was already selling your goods on Facebook.  That was 10 years ago for our guest today.  Yes, that makes her 21 which makes today’s episode just a fascinating listen.  I certainly was no where near a “career” at 21 let alone my teens.  But Aubree
E23 - The story of Cupcakes & Counting.  A fun and gorgeous cafe in Dublin that wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for a tragic natural disaster.
E23 - The story of Cupcakes & Counting. A fun and gorgeous cafe in Dublin that wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for a tragic natural disaster.
We are in Dublin, Ireland to chat with Jenny and Jay of Cupcakes and Counting.  Today,  it’s a cute and quirky cafe that sell gorgeous treats and delicious coffee.  But the journey to this point is so so different!  They’re both trained as nurses.  Left the Philippines years ago to build their caree
E22 - Sugarpusher - She went from MTV to baking.  How one career change set the stage to change her destiny towards baking.
E22 - Sugarpusher - She went from MTV to baking. How one career change set the stage to change her destiny towards baking.
Huntsville, Alabama.  I doubt many of you have been there.  I think I’ve driven through it at some point in my life.  But that’s where we are today speaking with Ally, or “Sugar Pusher” as she’s known online.  Ally is a content creator.  But she’s been baking for a long time.  Her previous career wh
E21 - Georgia's Cakes - Rising to success through constant change - how do you do it?
E21 - Georgia's Cakes - Rising to success through constant change - how do you do it?
Georgia was one of the first people I approached about OLBAA boxes when we first launched.  It’s amazing to think 3 years later she’s on our podcast!  Georgia has done so much in baking in such little time.  The home cake business, moving to a commercial kitchen, supplying cakes to brands like Harro
E20 - Tigga Mac - Everything you wanted to learn about getting millions of followers as a baker but were afraid to ask.
E20 - Tigga Mac - Everything you wanted to learn about getting millions of followers as a baker but were afraid to ask.
Melbourne, Australia.  When I lived there I didn’t know it for its cakes, I knew it for its coffee.  But things have changed a lot!  One of the largest content creators around lives here and joins us for this episode - I’m referring to Tigga Mac and her bestie Katie.  They’ve gone from slaving away
E19 - Amy's Bakehouse - Act fast, make mistakes, and go with your gut.  How being hyper-focused can be both bad and good!
E19 - Amy's Bakehouse - Act fast, make mistakes, and go with your gut. How being hyper-focused can be both bad and good!
St. Albans.  Just north of London is where you’ll find this little village with lush green rolling hills, and where you’ll find Amy’s Bakehouse.. Amy is a 24 year old baker who runs her own cake business.  She  started in 2020 and has already moved into a commercial kitchen!  When we found out about
E18 - Kendra Groves - Keeping your creativity alive when everything around you is so challenging.
E18 - Kendra Groves - Keeping your creativity alive when everything around you is so challenging.
Australia, England, Australia, England… Kendra Groves has been bouncing back and forth with her husband between these two distant countries navigating her way through life and baking her way through a lot of it.  She’s in Manchester now in case you’re wondering.  She’s originally trained in musical
E17 - Cas Cakery - STOP! Running your own business is killing your mental health! How to deal with it and move on.
E17 - Cas Cakery - STOP! Running your own business is killing your mental health! How to deal with it and move on.
Toowomba Australia, which is in Queensland in case you were curious - is not a place we ever thought we’d end up but in this little place is home to a brand that’s known world wide - Cas Cakery.  Cassie, or “Cas” speaks with us today about her journey and what is so interesting here is that in such
E16 - Vic's Kitchen - Baker turned teacher who shares vital information for anyone running a baking business.  From easy ways to make money to protecting yourself and your company from any surprises!
E16 - Vic's Kitchen - Baker turned teacher who shares vital information for anyone running a baking business. From easy ways to make money to protecting yourself and your company from any surprises!
We are back in England and just outside of London today in Woking, Surrey.  We’re speaking with Victoria of Vic’s Kitchen.  If you’ve ever wondered about running your own cake school, better ways to run you run your cake business, and even some quick ways to make some money, you’ve got to listen to
E15 - Don't Tell Charles - The creator of the concrete cake! How she went from winging it to building a mature and successful career in the cake industry yet refusing to sit still.
E15 - Don't Tell Charles - The creator of the concrete cake! How she went from winging it to building a mature and successful career in the cake industry yet refusing to sit still.
Today, we have an open an honest discussion about choosing your right path and making sure you’re happy doing it.  We’re speaking today with Thao who is the brain behind the brand Don’t Tell Charles from Melbourne Australia. If you’ve ever created a concrete cake, you can thank Thao for that as she
E14 - Anjali (Cakes and Co) - Building your own baking journey from nothing, and in a far remote place too!
E14 - Anjali (Cakes and Co) - Building your own baking journey from nothing, and in a far remote place too!
Hey everyone!  So you all know by now, we started this podcast to help build something of a support network for bakers.  A place where you can listen, learn, relate, be inspired, and most importantly, not feel alone in your own baking journey.  So imagine, if you really are baking on your own, in a
E13 - Jenna Rae Cakes - Best friends, best cheerleaders, best in what they do.  How twin sisters overcame it all to build a highly successful bakery brand!
E13 - Jenna Rae Cakes - Best friends, best cheerleaders, best in what they do. How twin sisters overcame it all to build a highly successful bakery brand!
Hey everyone, this week we are really excited to head to Winnipeg in Canada to speak with two very well-known twin sisters Jenna and Ashley of Jenna Rae Cakes.  This is quite a story because what you see today of there amazing company has so much behind to get it to where It is.  Jenna is the baker
E12 - Cotton and Crumbs - How employing my husband to do the boring bits of the business helped me grow.
E12 - Cotton and Crumbs - How employing my husband to do the boring bits of the business helped me grow.
Hey everyone, this week it’s back to northern England to chat with Tracy of Cotton and Crumbs.  Just 2 years into running her business she realised that not every aspect of running a cake business is exciting.  For most of us, it’s the decorating or designing bit - the art - that we all really enjoy