
E13 - Jenna Rae Cakes - Best friends, best cheerleaders, best in what they do. How twin sisters overcame it all to build a highly successful bakery brand!

Hey everyone, this week we are really excited to head to Winnipeg in Canada to speak with two very well-known twin sisters Jenna and Ashley of Jenna Rae Cakes.  

This is quite a story because what you see today of there amazing company has so much behind to get it to where It is.  Jenna is the baker and Ashley is the designer.  The beauty about this pairing meant that Ashley always had Jenna's back when it came to an outside mind to help style, present, and market Jenna’a creations.  

But it wasn’t easy.  Jenna spent years working in a commercial kitchen through the night to bake as she couldn’t bake at home.  Then going off to do her day job in between.  

Ashley was working in graphic design and had her own career but could see how she could help her sister in marketing these beautiful creations.  But it wasn’t always planned this way.  It never is right?  

But look at them now.  Food Network cake judges, numerous TV and magazine features, 3 shops, a best-selling recipe book.....it’s amazing!  I can’t wait for you to hear their story…. So let’s jump right in with Jenna Rae Cakes.

Website:  - www.jennaraecakes.com
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jennaraecakes/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jennaraecakes/
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0RkkTUnT1t1FCq-VZOsGw

Their book:
Amazon Canada - https://a.co/d/1gefWNk
Amazon USA - https://a.co/d/emNiLwb
Amazon UK - https://amzn.eu/d/9200THQ
Amazon Australia - https://amzn.asia/d/hjxqPud


This podcast is produced in London and Madrid by OLBAA.

OLBAA makes the best dessert packaging on the market because it's designed by a baker and not by a spreadsheet. From strong and tall cake boxes, to the game-changing tall cupcake boxes, OLBAA loves to innovate the packaging to make bakers' bakes look the best they can be. After all, you've spent hours making all those amazing desserts, why put them in a cheap and flimsy box? Show it off and make a statement with OLBAA.

To find out more, head over to www.olbaa.shop

Sponsorship enquires (starting at as little as £50) and any questions you may have, send them over to info@olbaa.uk

See you next time on My Baking Journey!
-Haf & Rachel